February 16, 2023
Dr. JT's Sailormade Story
I received this email from Dr. JT at the beginning of the year. Admittedly, it was opened with a little apprehension as I could see that it was sent in regards to (eek!) ... a broken bracelet. Well, was I happily surprised or what? It's not everyday that a customer reaches out to me with the story of their Sailormade bracelet.
I want to share Dr. JT's story with you and encourage anyone that wears Sailormade to reach out and let me know what it means to you.

To Whom it May Concern,
I am writing to let you know that the bracelet I order back in 2013 broke, and although for most items this might be a knock on their quality or workmanship I can promise you, your bracelet was nothing of the sort.
I purchased this in 2013 when I was going through an incredibly rough time in my life, and the look and feel of this on my wrist was both comforting and empowering. What began as an “accessory” became the equivalent of a wedding ring. In fact, I bought a matching bracelet for my girlfriend (now wife) before I even proposed. I never took this bracelet off from the date it was purchased until it fell off yesterday.
It went though a brief exchange with you guys as you were refining your adhesives in 2014 but otherwise it never came off my wrist. Every shower, every hour of work outside, painting the inside and outside of my house and it was still going strong.
I am a college professor and marine biologist and it went with me into the ocean weekly; many weeks multiple times; doing snorkel surveys for sea turtles, fishes, and free diving and spearing with my kids. It’s been out with me on every shark tagging trip since 2013 and was on my wrist handling and tagging dozens of sharks including a 6-ft Tiger Shark last summer.
I will be placing my order very soon for a replacement (probably after I send this email), but I wanted you to know how happy I was with your product.
Attached are a few pics of your bracelet in action (if you look closely at my right wrist) and it as it sits on my table today.
Thank you, customer for life.
Dr. J.T.
Sailormade since 2013

Let us know your thoughts on Dr. JT's story or your own Sailormade story in the comments below.
1 comment
I love my pink and blue brummel bracelets. Hope you will make a light green one day to complement these. Orange is great but much like the tone of the pink I have.
August 07, 2024